Ms. Jenny Ching Yee TUNG (CBS) joined a Hangzhou Service-Learning course and served a local school for the children of rural migrant workers in the summer of 2018. You know, she could only pack light to hit the road: a few pieces of clothes, bare daily essentials, and an empathetic heart.
What she didn't expect was the full loading on her return trip: an experience that will benefit her life onwards.
Professional Competence
"Children learn vocabulary the best through context such as stories. Therefore, I played an English song from a famous cartoon movie in the lesson so that students could be more engaged, focused and interested in learning."
Innovative Problem-solver & Ethical Leader
"Always remind ourselves to have different perspectives on child and adolescent development, consider their needs and challenges of children and adolescents living in disadvantaged circumstances in lesson design and implementation of a service project.
Lifelong Learner
"After all the difficulties, stay optimistic about taking on new challenges."
The pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong journey! To further expand your knowledge and continue your personal and professional growth. Click and explore the following learning resources:
Critical Thinking and Problem-solving
Project Management and Teamwork
Communication and Presentation Skills
Continuous Improvement and Learning from Mistakes