Exploring Financial Frontiers: A Journey Through Research and Discovery


The paper "Does New Lease Accounting Standard ASC 842 Affect Bank Loan Pricing" explores whether the new accounting standard, requiring firms to recognize operating lease liabilities on the balance sheet, increases borrowing costs. Inspired by an internal seminar, we investigated the impact of ASC 842 on firms' balance sheets and book leverage, focusing on whether it affects banks' perceptions of credit risk. Using data from DealScan and Compustat, we found that high-leasing firms face higher loan spreads post-implementation. Guided by Prof. Qiang Wu, Dr. Sunny Sun, and Dr. Colin Zeng, our research won the Best Paper Award at JIAR 2023.


FB student

Ms.LI Yani
Doctor of Philosophy
School of Accounting & Finance
Faculty of Business


  • Best Paper Award – PhD, the Tenth International Conference of the Journal of International Accounting Research (JIAR) 2023.


Domain Expertise:

Accounting Standards and Regulations

Knowledge of ASC 842, which mandates the capitalization of operating leases on balance sheets, significantly altering firms' financial reporting and book leverage.

Financial Statement Analysis

Understanding how changes in accounting standards affect financial metrics such as balance sheets, leverage ratios, and overall financial health of firms.

Credit Risk Assessment

Insight into how banks evaluate the credit risk of firms, particularly how the recognition of operating lease liabilities influences borrowing costs and loan pricing.

Empirical Research Methods

Proficiency in using databases like DealScan and Compustat for data collection and employing techniques like staggered DID to analyze the impact of accounting standards on firms.

Collaboration and Mentorship in Research

Experience in working with academic mentors and co-authors, leveraging their expertise to enhance research quality and gain recognition in academic conferences


Lifelong Learning Excellence:

Critical Thinking and Problem-solving

Analyzing the impact of ASC 842 on financial metrics and bank loan pricing, identifying research gaps, and forming hypotheses based on observed financial changes.

Research and Investigation

Conducting thorough literature reviews, collecting data from reputable sources like DealScan and Compustat, and applying analytical techniques such as staggered DID to derive meaningful insights.

Networking and Collaboration

Working with experts like Prof. Qiang Wu, Dr. Sunny Sun, and Dr. Colin Zeng, leveraging their knowledge and feedback to enhance the research's depth and quality.

Communication and Presentation Skills

Improving academic writing, presenting research at international conferences, and effectively communicating complex ideas to diverse audiences.


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The pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong journey! To further expand your knowledge and continue your personal and professional growth. Click and explore the following learning resources:

Domain Knowledge OER

Accounting Standards and Regulations

Financial Statement Analysis

Credit Risk Assessment

Empirical Research Methods

Collaboration and Mentorship in Research

Lifelong Learning OER

Critical Thinking and Problem-solving

Research and Investigation

Networking and Collaboration

Communication and Presentation Skills