Move to Nature Design Challenge


Natalie's passion for sustainable art projects led her to join the "Move to Nature" Design challenge. Collaborating with fellow finalists of the Redress Design Award, they crafted a proposal targeting waste reduction in the wool garment supply chain, ultimately claiming the championship. This endeavor expanded Natalie's comprehension of production waste and inspired her to contemplate integrating sustainability into her future brand. She delved into innovative methods such as utilizing salmon skin as a leather substitute.

Despite time limitations, the team efficiently divided tasks, ensuring seamless collaboration. Immersing herself in unfamiliar topics underscored the significance of teamwork and leadership. Natalie recognized the pivotal role of effective communication and inclusive leadership in driving successful group endeavors, fostering diverse perspectives and elevating project outcomes.


SFT student

Ms. JIM Yu Ching Natalie
BA (Hons) Scheme in Fashion
School of Fashion and Textiles

Award received:

  • HKJC Scholarship
  • Championship, “Move to Nature” Design challenge


Domain Expertise:

Sustainable Design

Natalie's participation in the "Move to Nature" Design challenge reflects her commitment to sustainable fashion. By focusing on reducing waste in the wool garment supply chain, she demonstrates an understanding of the environmental impact of fashion production and the importance of sustainable design practices.

Material Innovation

Natalie's exploration of alternative materials, such as salmon skin used as leather, highlights her interest in innovative and eco-friendly material choices in fashion design. This concept aligns with the growing trend in the industry towards using sustainable and unconventional materials to reduce environmental impact.

Waste Reduction Strategies

Through her design proposal, Natalie aims to address waste generated during the production process by utilizing waste from top processing in the supply chain to create affordable high-quality padding for customers. This concept demonstrates her proactive approach to waste reduction and her focus on creating value from materials that would otherwise be discarded.

Ethical Production

Natalie's consideration of how her brand could develop systems to reduce waste in production while maintaining its unique characteristics and DNA reflects her commitment to ethical and responsible fashion practices. This concept encompasses not only environmental sustainability but also social responsibility in the fashion industry.

Collaborative Design

Natalie's experience working with a team of diverse individuals in the design challenge underscores the importance of collaboration in fashion design. By leveraging each team member's strengths and expertise, she was able to efficiently complete the proposal and achieve success in the competition. This concept emphasizes the value of teamwork and collective problem-solving in fashion design projects.


Lifelong Learning Excellence:

Research and Information Literacy

Natalie demonstrated the ability to conduct thorough research on unfamiliar topics, such as wool garment production processes and sustainable fashion trends, to inform her design proposal. This skill enabled her to gather relevant information and statistics to support her team's ideas effectively.

Critical Thinking and Problem-solving

Engaging in the "Move to Nature" Design challenge required Natalie to identify and address complex issues related to waste reduction in the supply chain. By brainstorming solutions and exploring innovative approaches, she developed creative strategies to tackle these challenges.

Project Management and Teamwork

Natalie successfully managed her time during the competition, completing the design proposal within tight deadlines. Recognizing the importance of efficient task allocation and teamwork, she ensured that each team member utilized their strengths to contribute effectively to the project.

Adaptability and Flexibility

Working in a team with unfamiliar groupmates and tackling topics outside her area of expertise required Natalie to adapt quickly to new environments and challenges. Her ability to adjust to changing circumstances and collaborate effectively with diverse team members contributed to the project's success.

Communication and Presentation Skills

Natalie demonstrated leadership qualities by taking on leadership roles in group projects and facilitating effective communication among team members. By fostering an inclusive and collaborative working environment, she encouraged the exchange of ideas and enhanced the overall project outcomes.


Inspiring Quotes:

Explore More:

The pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong journey! To further expand your knowledge and continue your personal and professional growth. Click and explore the following learning resources:

Domain Knowledge OER

Sustainable Design

Material Innovation

Waste Reduction Strategies

Ethical Production

Collaborative Design

Lifelong Learning OER

Research and Information Literacy

Critical Thinking and Problem-solving

Project Management and Teamwork

Adaptability and Flexibility

Communication and Presentation Skills