New Orally Administrable Peptide for Treatment of Diabetes


Diabetes, a significant health issue leading to 1.5 million deaths in individuals under 70 in 2019, continues to escalate. Current GLP-1-based anti-diabetic peptides, while effective, are expensive, affecting public policy and social justice in middle and low-income nations. There's an urgent need for affordable, orally administrable peptides.

Mr. LO Tak Ho and his team are dedicated to discovering new metabolic factors for diabetes treatment. They've unearthed a novel gastric hormone that could potentially treat both type II and I diabetes orally. Its high bioavailability negates the need for chemical modification, lowering toxicity risks and development costs, thus providing hope for an affordable diabetes treatment.


FHSS student

Mr. LO Tak Ho
Doctor of Philosophy
Department of Health Technology and Informatics
Faculty of Health and Social Sciences

Domain Expertise:

Metabolic Disorders

Lo Tak Ho's research focuses on metabolic disorders, specifically diabetes and obesity. He has a deep understanding of the intricate mechanisms underlying these disorders and their profound impact on human health. This knowledge is crucial in the health science domain as it helps in the development of effective treatments and interventions.

Human Nutrition

Lo Tak Ho's bachelor's degree in Human Nutrition has equipped him with a solid foundation in understanding the physiological processes involved in various diseases. Knowledge in human nutrition is essential in health science as it helps in understanding how different nutrients affect the body's health and can contribute to or prevent diseases.

Medical Laboratory Science

Lo Tak Ho is pursuing his Ph.D. in Medical Laboratory Science. This field involves the analysis of biological samples for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes. It is a critical domain in health science as it aids in disease diagnosis, monitoring of treatment progress, and research into disease mechanisms.

Molecular Pathways and Signaling Mechanisms

Lo Tak Ho's research involves exploring the molecular pathways and signaling mechanisms that regulate energy metabolism, glucose homeostasis, and adipose tissue function. Understanding these mechanisms is vital in health science as it can lead to the discovery of new therapeutic targets for managing and treating diseases.

Therapeutic Interventions

Lo Tak Ho's research aims to develop therapeutic interventions based on the gastric protein he discovered. Knowledge in developing therapeutic interventions is crucial in health science as it involves the application of treatments to alleviate symptoms, slow disease progression, or cure diseases.


Lifelong Learning Excellence:

Research and Investigation

Lo Tak Ho's journey shows the importance of continuous research and innovation in lifelong learning. His research on metabolic disorders, specifically diabetes and obesity, has led to the discovery of a novel gastric protein that can lower blood glucose levels. This discovery has the potential to revolutionize diabetes treatment, showing that continuous research and innovation can lead to significant breakthroughs.

Networking and Collaboration

Throughout his academic journey, Lo Tak Ho has collaborated with various professionals, including his supervisor, colleagues, mentors, and advisors. He has also received investments from reputable organizations for his startup. This shows the importance of collaboration and networking in lifelong learning, as it can provide valuable insights, feedback, and resources.

Adaptability and Flexibility

Lo Tak Ho faced numerous obstacles during his research and grant application process. However, he viewed these challenges as opportunities for growth and innovation, showing the importance of resilience and problem-solving in lifelong learning.

Continuous Improvement and Learning from Mistakes

Lo Tak Ho's journey shows the importance of continuous learning and skill development in lifelong learning. His bachelor's degree in Human Nutrition provided him with a solid foundation in understanding the physiological processes involved in various diseases. His Ph.D. studies further developed his knowledge and skills in the field of Medical Laboratory Science.


Inspiring Quotes:

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The pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong journey! To further expand your knowledge and continue your personal and professional growth. Click and explore the following learning resources:

Domain Knowledge OER

Metabolic Disorders

Human Nutrition

Medical Laboratory Science

Molecular Pathways and Signaling Mechanisms

Therapeutic Interventions

Lifelong Learning OER

Research and Investigation

Networking and Collaboration

Adaptability and Flexibility

Continuous Improvement and Learning from Mistakes