Proactive Companion Robot


In our busy lives, we often neglect the needs of those that are not socially active, because we may think they are capable of living by themselves as they do not voice their needs. A research study observed that people who lived alone were 18% more likely to have reported a fall than those who lived with others. This generates demands for systems that can replace human caretakers and assist the elderly at their homes to alleviate these issues whenever they are needed. It is a creative initiative that uses technology to benefit society and thereby improve human life quality and society in general. We developed a robot to serve as a companion for the elderly which can possibly be a communication link with society.


FENG COMP students

Mr. WONG, Leon
Ms. HUANG, Rao Yi
Ms. MUNDE, Anushka

Faculty of Engineering


  • Best Project Award - Champion, Interdepartmental Final Year Projects 2021/2022
Domain Expertise:
Biomedical Engineering
  • The team focuses on the application of engineering principles to the healthcare and medical industries. It encompasses various aspects of medical technology, including research and development (R&D), medical device regulation, imaging technologies, and neuroengineering. Biomedical engineers work on improving healthcare by designing and developing medical devices and technologies to enhance patient care and outcomes.
Data Science and Engineering
  • The team mentions the interest in data mining, machine learning, and natural language processing (NLP). Data science involves the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data to gain insights and make informed decisions. Data engineering focuses on the practical aspects of managing and processing data, often involving the development of systems and infrastructure to support data-driven applications.
Electronics and Information Engineering
  • This domain combines scientific principles with engineering applications in various areas such as embedded systems, multimedia technologies, computer programming, electronics, telecommunications, and integrated circuit design. EIE professionals work on designing and developing electronic systems and technologies.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • The team mentions experiences in AI and the desire to work as an AI engineer. AI involves the development of intelligent systems that can perform tasks typically requiring human intelligence, such as speech recognition, image analysis, and decision-making. It's a rapidly evolving field with applications in various industries.
Human-Robot Interaction and Robotics
  • The team discusses the development of a companion robot for socially isolated elders. This area involves designing robots that can interact with humans in a natural and helpful manner. It includes aspects like behavior recognition, fall detection, and creating robots that can communicate and assist in daily activities.


Lifelong Learning Excellence:
Adaptability and Flexibility
  • The ability to adapt to different educational paths and career choices is evident in the text. For example, one individual mentions their plan to work in Data Engineering before pursuing a Master's in Data Science, showcasing adaptability in transitioning between roles and fields.
Critical Thinking and Problem-solving
  • Critical thinking is demonstrated in the text through the discussion of challenges faced in the project. For instance, adapting and improving the fall detection algorithm by considering different dimensions and bounding boxes to reduce false positives shows problem-solving skills.
Communication and Presentation Skills
  • Effective communication is highlighted as crucial for teamwork. Clear and respectful communication among team members from different departments is emphasized as a key factor in project success.
Accountability and Motivation
  • The importance of self-motivation and taking responsibility for one's tasks within a team is mentioned. Proactive involvement in project tasks and not relying on others to finish work are highlighted as key attributes.
Project Management and Teamwork
  • Time management skills are discussed in terms of setting achievable goals within project timelines. Learning to prioritize and focus on reachable goals is emphasize.
Resourcefulness and Adaptability to New Contexts
  • The text reflects a commitment to lifelong learning by exploring new ideas and technologies, such as experimenting with different AI model architectures and datasets, and a willingness to adapt and learn from challenges.
Networking and Collaboration
  • Leadership skills are demonstrated through roles like response generation and remote vitals detection. Collaborative efforts and coordination among team members are key to the successful integration of different project components.
Strategic Planning
  • The importance of early planning and goal setting is mentioned to guide one's educational and career path. Planning helps in making informed decisions about future steps.

Inspiring Quotes:

Explore More:

The pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong journey! To further expand your knowledge and continue your personal and professional growth. Click and explore the following learning resources:

Domain Knowledge OER

Biomedical Engineering

Data Science and Engineering

Electronics and Information Engineering

Artificial Intelligence

Human-Robot Interaction and Robotics

Lifelong Learning OER

Adaptability and Flexibility

Critical Thinking and Problem-solving

Communication and Presentation Skills

Accountability and Motivation

Project Management and Teamwork

Resourcefulness and Adaptability to New Contexts

Networking and Collaboration

Strategic Planning