Rosewood Day Social Impact Challenge


Simon, Thea, and Kiki reflect on their participation in the Rosewood Social Impact Challenge 2023, a collaboration between PolyU SHTM and Rosewood Hong Kong. The competition aimed to develop innovative proposals to enhance Rosewood's social impact, focusing on ESG principles. They proposed initiatives to support the disabled community, demonstrating practicality through prototype development.

Despite challenges in communication and partnership, the team persevered, overcoming obstacles with a positive mindset. Winning the challenge enriched the team’s understanding of ESG and improved their communication, time management, and teamwork skills. They express gratitude to mentors and teammates for their support, acknowledging the invaluable experience gained for their future endeavors in the hospitality industry.


SHTM students

Mr. LIU Songmeng Simon
BS (Hons) in Hotel Management

Ms. SHU Qing Thea
BS (Hons) in Hotel Management

Ms. ZHANG Jiaqi Kiki
BS (Hons) in Hotel Management

School of Hotel and Tourism Management


  • Champion of Social Impact Challenge 2023 of Rosewood Day


Domain Expertise:

Environmental, Social, and Governance

Simon, Thea and Kiki gained knowledge about ESG principles, recognizing their significance in the hospitality industry's current landscape. They understood how hotels strive to contribute to environmental sustainability, engage with social issues, and maintain strong governance practices to enhance their reputation and brand image.

Social Impact Management

Through the Rosewood Social Impact Challenge, the team learned how to develop practical proposals aimed at enhancing a hotel's social impact. They explored strategies to engage with diverse communities, such as the disabled community, and integrate social initiatives into hotel operations, fostering a greater sense of inclusivity and societal contribution.

Innovation Integration in Hotel Management

The team demonstrated an understanding of integrating innovative technologies and concepts into traditional hotel management practices. By proposing ideas that combined technology with social initiatives, such as providing nursery rooms for single parents and collaborating with disabled artists, they showcased their ability to innovate within the hospitality sector.

Risk Management

Throughout the competition, participants encountered challenges, such as communication barriers with NGOs and concerns about conflicting proposals. They learned to mitigate risks by conducting thorough research, seeking alternative solutions, and maintaining a positive mindset, highlighting their ability to manage challenges effectively in hotel management contexts.


Lifelong Learning Excellence:

Communication and Presentation Skills

Simon, Thea, and Kiki enhanced their communication skills through interactions with teammates and mentors, expressing ideas clearly and efficiently. They learned the importance of effective communication in enhancing discussion efficiency and interpersonal relationships, a crucial skill in the hospitality industry where collaboration is key.

Critical Thinking and Problem-solving

The team encountered various challenges, such as language barriers and unexpected conflicts with NGOs. However, they demonstrated problem-solving skills by adapting their approach, conducting thorough research, and maintaining a positive mindset to overcome obstacles, showcasing their adaptability and resilience.

Project Management and Teamwork

Managing time effectively was essential during the competition, requiring them to balance project work with their daily studies. They developed better time management skills, setting weekly goals to overcome procrastination and ensure timely completion of tasks, a valuable skill applicable in both academic and professional contexts.

Networking and Collaboration

Simon, Thea, and Kiki improved their teamwork skills by collaborating with professors and teammates from different academic levels. Despite occasional differences in opinion, they supported each other, shared ideas confidently, and provided mutual encouragement, showcasing the importance of teamwork in achieving common goals.


Inspiring Quotes:

Explore More:

The pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong journey! To further expand your knowledge and continue your personal and professional growth. Click and explore the following learning resources:

Domain Knowledge OER

Environmental, Social, and Governance

Social Impact Management

Innovation Integration in Hotel Management

Risk Management

Lifelong Learning OER

Communication and Presentation Skills

Critical Thinking and Problem-solving

Project Management and Teamwork

Networking and Collaboration