Statistical Odyssey: From Passion to Practical Impact


Entranced by the data's potential, Sam Kwok reflects on his statistical journey from secondary school to pursuing an MPhil in statistics at PolyU. With a vision to merge statistics and healthcare in a Biostatistics PhD, Sam seeks to influence medicine and research. His project, "Survival Analysis with High-Dimensional Incomplete Covariates," delves into critical data analysis aspects, addressing challenges in survival analysis, high-dimensional data, and missing data.

Overcoming hurdles in algorithm implementation and report writing, Sam triumphs with a divide-and-conquer strategy and LaTeX proficiency. Grateful for mentorship from Dr. Alex Wong and guidance from Dr. Raymond Sze and Dr. Zhang Zaikun, Kwok emphasizes the vital support of the Department of Applied Mathematics.

Beyond the project, Sam shares insights on using ChatGPT for writing advice and refining presentation skills. In the realm of modern medical research, he underscores the pivotal role of biostatisticians in navigating intricate relationships. Sam concludes by advocating for a balanced university life, emphasizing the importance of self-care in achieving success.


FS student

Mr. KWOK Ngok Sang Sam
MPhil degree
Faculty of Science
Department of Applied Mathematics

Domain Expertise:

Survival Analysis

Sam's involvement in survival analysis demonstrates knowledge in estimating survival probabilities while addressing censoring and truncation. Understanding the statistical methods for analyzing survival data, particularly in medical contexts, is a key mathematical skill.

High-Dimensional Data Analysis

The project's focus on high-dimensional data analysis, akin to machine learning, highlights proficiency in handling datasets with a large number of features. This requires advanced mathematical techniques to discern patterns and behaviors within the data.

Regression Analysis

Sam's project involves regression analysis to examine survival probability concerning high-dimensional features. Regression, a fundamental statistical method, aids in modeling relationships between variables, showcasing mathematical expertise.

Algorithm Design and Optimization

Overcoming challenges in algorithm implementation, specifically adopting the "divide and conquer" strategy, demonstrates skills in algorithmic design and optimization. Mathematical proficiency is crucial in breaking down complex problems into manageable subproblems.

Statistical Modeling

Addressing missing data challenges in the project reflects expertise in statistical modeling. Choosing appropriate techniques for handling missing values involves mathematical considerations, ensuring accurate and unbiased analysis.


Lifelong Learning Excellence:

Accountability and Motivation

Sam's fusion of statistics and healthcare in Biostatistics reflects an enthusiasm for interdisciplinary learning. Lifelong learners often explore diverse fields, recognizing the synergy between different domains and integrating knowledge for comprehensive understanding.

Adaptability and Flexibility

Sam's engagement with Big Data and utilization of advanced computational techniques highlight the importance of adapting to technological changes. Lifelong learners stay abreast of technological advancements, leveraging tools for efficient data analysis and research.

Critical Thinking and Problem-solving

Sam's use of the "divide and conquer" strategy to overcome complex algorithm implementation reveals a dedication to problem-solving. Lifelong learners hone strategies to tackle challenges, emphasizing the process of breaking down intricate problems into manageable components.

Resourcefulness and Adaptability to New Contexts

Sam's acquisition of skills in LaTeX, effective communication, and using ChatGPT for writing advice underscores the need for a well-rounded skill set. Lifelong learners actively cultivate not only technical skills but also communication, presentation, and collaboration abilities to thrive in diverse environments.


Inspiring Quotes:

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The pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong journey! To further expand your knowledge and continue your personal and professional growth. Click and explore the following learning resources:

Domain Knowledge OER

Survival Analysis

High-Dimensional Data Analysis

Regression Analysis

Algorithm Design and Optimization

Statistical Modeling

Lifelong Learning OER

Accountability and Motivation

Adaptability and Flexibility

Critical Thinking and Problem-solving

Resourcefulness and Adaptability to New Contexts