A team comprised of students with diverse cultural background, Hong Kong, India, and Korea, relentlessly responded to an infinite array of engineering challenges and created a champion transporter that carries not only physical payloads but also limitless possibilities. What things get them through all these? Passion, Teamwork, & Endurance.
Ir Dr. Curtis NG (Supervisor)
Mr. Ji-ho SHIN
Mr. Hung Ming Roy CHOW
Faculty of Engineering
Professional Competence - "To optimize robot’s performance and to minimize the potential risk, we never stopped our research, analysis, experiments, and practice on the robot, again and again. " -Mr. Ji-ho SHIN, Year 4, Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
Problem Solver -"I realized that instead of trying to solve all problems at once it is better to focus on one and find the best solution for it and then move on to the next. It saves both time and energy. " - Mr. Rudra Someshwar, Year 4, Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
Lifelong Learner - "...difficulties always come into our way one after another, and some of them could be pretty harsh... we have learned to analyze the problems in a systematic approach, this helped a lot in overcoming obstacles." - Mr. Hung Ming Roy CHOW, Year 4, Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
Teamwork - "When we were facing with any communication problems, I learned to approach my teammates individually to understand their needs, and to discuss with them about the issues they are having." -Mr. Ji-ho SHIN, Year 4, Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering
The pursuit of knowledge is a lifelong journey! To further expand your knowledge and continue your personal and professional growth. Click and explore the following learning resources:
Robotics Design and Engineering
Critical Thinking and Problem-solving
Communication and Presentation Skills
Project Management and Teamwork